Trabber Blog

Flights Hotels Cars Offers on several Italian blogs

27 May 2008 by Daniel

The version of Trabber for the Italian market has appeared on several reviews by Italian bloggers during last weeks. Here are some of them:

Dario Salvelli

We would like to thanks the authors for the analysis and feedback.

New hotel search engine on

11 May 2008 by Daniel

We have just launched a new product on the UK version of Trabber, a search engine that helps to compare hotel fares.

It works very similarly to the flight search engine. The software connects simulaneously to several online travel agencies and aggregates the content to allow users to easily compare all options. We have implemented several filters to help on the selection.

Rather than explaining it further I think it is worth a try.

Now it is your time to tell us what do you think 🙂

Lastminute flights in

26 March 2008 by Óscar

Today Trabber Deutschland results include also flights from

Remember that you can always check the full list of providers (take into account that the travel agencies included are different for each country).

Hotel search engine in

18 March 2008 by Óscar

We have just deployed a new hotel search engine in Trabber France.

It works in a similar way to the flight search engine that you already know: it searches for hotels in several providers at once and it shows them in a results page that simplifies their comparison and selection using filters (by hotel category, situation, etc.) and sorting options (by price, stars, distance to city center).

But maybe it’s better that you just try it and tell us what you think: hotel search engine.

Trabber blog in English

18 March 2008 by Óscar

This is the first post in this new Trabber Blog in English.

From now on, we will use this blog to post in English about all the news relevant to Trabber users outside Spain. And we will keep using the original blog to post about news for users in Spain.

We have migrated all the English posts in the original blog to this one.  This is why this post doesn’t really look like the first one.

LTU air fares on Trabber

17 September 2007 by Daniel

We have added air fares from the low cost airline LTU to Trabber. LTU is a german airline that was acquired some months ago by Air Berlin, one of the leading low cost airlines in Europe. The company has many routes throughout Europe and also offers transatlantic flights to America and Asia.

We believe this new development will help to improve Trabber’s results. If you have any feedback or comment please contact us via email.

2 travel agencies added to Trabber US

5 September 2007 by Óscar

We have added 2 new travel agencies to Trabber US: Hotwire and Last Minute Travel.

This is the full list of providers for the US version of Trabber.

Filtering by airport or company

8 August 2007 by Óscar

Trabber results page now supports filtering of the flights by several criteria: provider website, origin airport and destination airport.

Filters screenshot

You will find the filters in the right column of the results page. Just clicking in a checkbox hides the results of the corresponding company (or airport). And the opposite occurs when clicking on the link labeled only: just the flights from this provider or airport will be displayed.

We hope that this new feature will help you to find the best flights even faster.

Trabber on TV, twice!

2 August 2007 by Óscar

During the last week Trabber has been on TV for two times.

This morning Trabber has been shown and discussed at NBC 4 News in New York. The mention occurred during the Sree Advice section which is a weekly tech segment that today focused on cheap airfare web sites.

And last Thursday, it was the online German TV Ehrensenf (Trabber is mentioned after 1 min and 40 secs). In addition this video was included in the online version of Der Spiegel, one of the leading European magazines.

New logo

28 June 2007 by Óscar

Trabber has a new logo!

Trabber new logo

It has been created by Mike Rohde from MakaluMedia.

We have been working on it for several months, doing iterations from the black and white sketches to the final color logo. We are very pleased with the end result. Mike is really good at this. We first knew about him through a post that describes the process he follows for designing a logo, and then Eduardo confirmed Mike was the right person for the job.

So, what do you think about the new logo ?