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Archive for the category 'Trabber hotels'

New hotel discount vouchers available

29 January 2025

Trabber now offers two discount vouchers to help you save on your next hotel stay. Whether you’re planning a vacation in the US, Canada, or other amazing destinations, these vouchers will give you a 5% discount on selected hotels from Barceló Hotels and Be Live Hotels.

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Top-ranking hotels in Spain

5 January 2025

We have carefully evaluated all the hotels available on our platform in Spain, focusing on those with a substantial number of reviews and excellent traveler ratings. The outcome is an exclusive selection of the best hotels in the country, ideal for those seeking an exceptional accommodation experience.

While some of the top hotels cater to the wealthiest guests due to their exclusive facilities and prime locations, there are also more affordable options where you can enjoy an exceptional experience at much more accessible prices.

Here’s a list of the best-rated hotels, featuring details on their location, category, and average nightly cost:

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The 25 most friendly dog destinations in the World

12 July 2018

Our four-legged best friend is another member of the family and, as such, we like to share our holidays with him. Until not very long ago, it was a rather challenging task to find a hotel which accepts pets. But, luckily, tourist establishments have become aware of this necessity and, the pet traveller has a wider range of possibilities to travel with his best friend.

Curiosity to know which are the best countries to visit with your pet? Take a look to our new ranking of dog destinations.

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Improvements in hotel searches for families

16 June 2014

We launch new features on the Trabber hotel search engine that will help users traveling with children and users who travel in groups and are interested in finding more than one room at a time.

book with children

From now on, you can specify the number of children staying in the room so that on the hotel results only hotels and rooms that have the required capacity are shown.

Some hotels charge additional amounts when children are accommodated. With this new feature, these costs will be included on the prices shown. This will help to prevent unpleasant surprises when booking in Trabber providers.

As the costs for children accommodations often depend on their ages, the new Trabber hotel search engine interface will require to specify children ages.

multiple rooms

The second feature that we present is a better support for booking more than one room in one search. The new interface allows you to indicate the number of rooms and the number of people staying on each room. To add additional rooms to your search you should click on the link “Add room“, located under the number of adults. We have limited the maximum number of rooms to 10.

Remember that these new functionalities are also available on the mobile version of Trabber.

Trabber mobile hotel search

Trabber suggests now the best hotels

15 February 2012

We enhance the information we display for every hotel, adding a rating based on all reviews from Trabber Hotels providers users.

Hotel ratings are displayed now next to the hotel information and it ranges from 0 to 10, being 10 the highest.

We consider that this value helps to get a better idea of the overall hotel quality as it is based on travelers opinions like you. Surely this information will ease your selection.

Additionally, based on hotel ratings we have developed an algorithm that sort result by what we call best “value for money. This algorthim takes into account not just hotel rating but also location, category, and other parameters to create the list of results.

We have tested the algorithm in several cities and consider that it is quite accurate and reliable. However, it is always better to hear your comments to continue optimizing it.

Find hostels in Trabber

9 February 2011

We add a new option in Trabber hotel search engine that allows to include all hostels offered by Trabber providers in your hotel search results.

To improve Trabber’s results in this type of accommodation, we have added Hostelworld as a provider. Hostelworld manages a database of more than 25,000 hotels in around 180 countries that from now on you will find in Trabber.

Note that it is always possible to display/filter other types of accommodations from the results page, simply by changing the filter “Property type:” located on the right side of the page.

Hotel reviews

20 January 2011

One of the most important factors to select a hotel, beside price and location, is possibly good reviews from other travelers.

Traveler reviews are now available directly from Trabber Hotels interface.

From now on, below the list of services of every hotel on Trabber Hotels results, you will find a new link – “reviews“. This link will display a list of ratings submitted by users from some of Trabber’s hotel providers. Additionally to user ratings, we display the number of reviews for each provider and a link that will redirect you to all travelers comments at the provider website.

We also have added for every hotel a link to Tripadvisor review page, as the site has currently become one of the references in this type of information.

Hotusa hotels

19 April 2010

We add a new provider to Trabber hotel search engineHotusa Hotels. With this integration, Trabber already provides results from 13 pages of online travel agencies and hotels brands.

Nowadays Hotusa Hotels gather more than 2000 hotels throughout 48 different countries and three Continents.

Map positioning of hotel search results

8 April 2009

Trabber presents a new feature for its hotels search engine. By clicking on “Map of displayed hotels“, Trabber will locate the results on the map of the selected destination.

To obtain additional information on a hotel you only need to click on the marker that indicates the position.


You can still use Trabber´s filtering and sorting functionallity that will be automatically fed to the map

Google Street View in Trabber Hotel search engine

2 November 2008

We have integrated Google Street View images to Trabber Hotel search engine to allow users to view the streets where hotels are located. We consider this information could be very useful when deciding to book a hotel.


Next to the address of each hotel and the link that opens the Map, users now can find a new link, View street. By clicking on this link, a 3D imagine provided by this new Google feature will be diplayed. Note that currently Google just support a limited list of cities. Thus, this feature will just be provided in Trabber results where supported by Google (Here you can find the current supported list of cities).

Keep in mind that not always the image displayed will show the front side of the hotel. In such cases, you would be able to see the hotel by turning the 3D image to either side.