Trabber Blog

Flights Hotels Cars Offers

Flight offers on dynamic maps

30 September 2010 by Daniel

We develop this time a new feature for undecided travelers, a mashup of Google Maps and airfares deals stored in Trabber Offers, which surely will help Trabber users to decide where to travel.

From now on when you do a search in Trabber Offers without any city destination or selecting a country as the final destination, you will find now the link “Find offers in a map” on top of all airfares results that will display all airfares on a map.

The map is interactive, which basically means that when you scroll or zoom to different places, new offers will appear around the selected areas dynamically.

Take into account that the map will show only deals that fit your search criteria. For instance, if you have selected deal under $200 euros and departing of friday, just these offers will be shown.

Here are two examples:

The color code is the same that we have used for Trabber Radar and intends to indicate the quality of the offers. So, the darker the color the higher the discount compared with the mean value.

Hotusa hotels

19 April 2010 by Daniel

We add a new provider to Trabber hotel search engineHotusa Hotels. With this integration, Trabber already provides results from 13 pages of online travel agencies and hotels brands.

Nowadays Hotusa Hotels gather more than 2000 hotels throughout 48 different countries and three Continents.

XL Airways added to Trabber

14 April 2010 by Daniel

The latest update of Trabber flights search engine integrates all flights offered by XL Airways from the airline website.

XL Airways is a French airline based at Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport. The airline operates scheduled flights mainly in Europe and some long-haul destinations in North America and Africa.

Despite operating in many countries, the airline’s website is only available in French and German. Therefore, from all localized versions of Trabber except German, users will be redirected to the French version of the airline website.

Trabber more social

27 February 2010 by Daniel

Facebook and Twitter have already become a Web phenomena. To help Trabber users to share fares through these two popular social networks with friends and colleagues, we have added links that send Trabber results to Twitter and Facebook in just one click.

The links (as icons) are located on the right side of flight and hotel result pages.

Additionally, we have added a link to easily send results by email.

We are currently working on new ideas for integrating social network functionality in Trabber. We will have news soon. Stay tuned 😉

TAP Portugal in Trabber

8 December 2009 by Daniel

TAP This time we integrate to Trabber’s flight search engine, the Portuguese flag carrier TAP

TAP Portugal is the leading carrier in Portugal and member of Star Alliance, alliance led by airlines as important as Continental Airlines and Lufthansa among many others.

With its hub in Lisbon, the company currently flies to 58 intercontinental destinations throughout 27 countries in Africa and North and South America.

Monthly fare charts

4 December 2009 by Daniel

We integrate all flight information, collected by the lastest engine enhancement – Trabber Radar, into the Monthly view graph available on Trabber’s Flight Offers. This integration allows Trabber to have much more data to display monthly fare charts for the main routes.

monthly graph

As a next step, we are designing an algorithm to integrate the same flight information currently collected by Trabber Radar into Flight Offers’ results and the Email alert system.

We are confident that this new development will be very useful for travelers with flexible dates.

Trabber Radar on all Trabber international sites

3 November 2009 by Daniel

We finally add to all international Trabber sites the first version of Trabber Radar. Trabber Radar is a new recommendation system that suggests flights on close dates when a lower price is detected.

This new feature is based on the lastest version of Trabber engine, capable of scanning more flight information without a performance impact.

trabber radar

The system operation is quite simple: in case Trabber Radar detects a cheaper flight on a close date than the one selected by the user, it displays a warning message showing the most conviniente date to travel. Trabber Radar also permits users to obtain a matrix with prices for other dates.

The version that we present today scans flights for a subset (16) of the total websites that Trabber uses on a regular search. However, it covers most of the major routes requested by travelers in Europe.

Trabber Radar surely will be of great value to identified the best options to travel.

Czech Airlines added

29 September 2009 by Daniel

czech airlinesIn our goal to improve Trabber flight results, we have enhanced Trabber engine capabilities to allow the system to collect flight prices offered directly from Czech Airlines website –

The airline, which main airport is Ruzyně Airport in Prague, operates scheduled services to 69 destinations in 41 countries.

Czech Airlines is a member of the SkyTeam alliance, which includes Air France-KLM, Delta and Continental, among other airlines.

Total duration of flights

9 August 2009 by Daniel

We have modified Trabber flight search engine results page to include the total duration of flights. From now, next to the number of scales, you will find this information that can help in some cases your flight selection.


Keep into account that when sorting the results by the number of scales, the total duration of flights will also be considered.

We are currently working to add a new filter (slider) to facilitate the filtering of flights by this criteria, that should be available soon.

Aer Lingus in Trabber

5 August 2009 by Daniel

aer-lingus1We integrate in Trabber’s results all flight from Irish flag carrier website Aer

Although Aer Lingus flights were already shown on Trabber’s results provided by the online travel agencies where we search, this new integration will help users to better compare prices.

Aer Lingus has codeshare agreements with airlines such as United, British Airways and KLM.